【同义词辨析】 2020-04-29 放弃renunciation-self-denial
renunciation: commonly connotes personal sacrifice for a higher end: widely admired for his voluntary ~ of power. 又如the renunciation of all earthly pleasures放弃世俗享乐,renounce the use of force放弃使用武力,renounce the throne放弃王位,renounce the world退隐
abnegation, self-abnegation: both imply a high degree of unselfishness or a capacity for putting aside personal interest or desires: undertook all her duties with an air of ~; modesty verging on ~. self-abnegation可表示1、自我克制denial of oneself 2、自我贬低abasement of oneself,例句中用2,谦虚到了自我贬低的程度 interest表示兴趣和利益时,都既可以用单数也可以用复数,需要根据上下文判断意思
self-denial: usually applies to an act or a practice and implies a forbearance from gratifying one's desires, whatever the motive: the ~ involved in following a rigid diet. forbear表示克制to exercise self-restraint,"强调忍耐",如taught himself to forbear such expression of anger学会克制愤怒,和下边的forgo放弃享受机会to give up pleasure容易混淆,可以一块记
renunciation放弃: 指为了崇高目的作自我牺牲,abnegation, self-abnegation克己无私: 指无私地将个人利益愿望置于一旁,self-denial克己: 表示长期忍耐克制愿望,无论为人为己
记忆方法: 1)首字母RASS想成SARS非典<==放弃 "弃"的古字形像"双手推簸箕将一个孩子抛弃掉",现在下部还有双手的痕迹。本义即"抛弃",如弃权放弃前功尽弃丢弃嫌弃不才明主弃不离不弃。周代始祖后稷名"弃",传说是由于出生后曾被抛弃而得名
2)放弃的意思是自愿放弃愿望mean voluntary surrender or forgoing of something desired or desirable.